Donald Trump to Propose Ideological Tests for Immigrants

Brendan O'Connor · 08/15/16 08:15AM

In a speech on Monday, Donald Trump is expected to propose the institution of a new, ideological test that immigrants to the United States would be required to take, the Associated Press reports, so as to determine their positions on social issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. In any case where it cannot perform adequate screenings, the U.S. would not issue a visa.

Report: Secret Ledger Lists $12 Million to Trump Campaign Chief From Pro-Russian Party in Ukraine

Hudson Hongo · 08/14/16 10:10PM

According to The New York Times, handwritten papers recovered from the office of Ukraine’s former ruling party list $12.7 million in cash payments to Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s current campaign manager, between 2007 and 2012. The Times previously reported on consulting services Manafort provided for the pro-Russian party of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, but his earnings from the work are not known.

Trump Threatens to Revoke NYT Press Credentials Again 

Hannah Gold · 08/14/16 03:20PM

Trump is throwing yet another tantrum at the New York Times, this time over a reported article published on Saturday that depicts the GOP presidential nominee as privately unhinged. As opposed to his more dynamic public persona, which is that of an unhinged, yet confident, individual.

Bars Are Not Fun

Jordan Sargent · 08/12/16 02:00PM

It becomes clear once you grow up just how unprepared most people are for adulthood. I think this is partly because no one ever tells you how awful it is to spend much of your free time in bars.

 These Are the Worst People in Online Media (Updating) [UPDATE: NOT Updating]

Ashley Feinberg · 08/12/16 01:05PM

Early this morning, someone pretending to be aspiring YouTube star Martin Shkreli sent out a fake press release and CC-ed over 400 media people—journalists, bloggers, freelancers, social media directors, tweeters, what-have-you. Because we are all the worst kind of people—and because everyone knows that this GIF, this GIF is going to be the funny one that everyone loves—there has been an incessant stream of “reply alls” for hours.