Early this morning, someone pretending to be aspiring YouTube star Martin Shkreli sent out a fake press release and CC-ed over 400 media people—journalists, bloggers, freelancers, social media directors, tweeters, what-have-you. Because we are all the worst kind of people—and because everyone knows that this GIF, this GIF is going to be the funny one that everyone loves—there has been an incessant stream of “reply alls” for hours.

Replying only adds to the nightmare. The only correct way to handle this situation is with shame. So with that in mind, here are the worst people in online media, starting with our own Tim Marchman (who insists he started this whole thing on purpose). We’ll be updating this list as more information becomes available.

Update 3:15 p.m.

We will no longer be updating this post since that’s exactly what you assholes want.

1. Tim Marchman, Deadspin

2. Dell Cameron, The Daily Dot

3. Michael Hafford, Refinery 29

4. Slava Pastuk, freelance

5. Margot Huysman, The Daily Mail

6. Jon Levine, Mic

7. Angela Bacca, freelance

8. Anthony Smith, Mic

9. Emily Cahn, Mic

10. Sasha Kalra, Vice

11. Sarah Harvard, Mic

12. Helena Horton, The Telegraph

13. Holly Brockwell, Gadgette

14. Jillian Richardson, freelance

15. Kevin Ryan, Inc.com

16. Miles Surrey, Mic

17. Saira Khan, The New Yorker

18. Kirsten Browning, freelance

19. Andy Campbell, The Huffington Post

20. Julia Reinstein, BuzzFeed

21. Rachel Brodsky, Spin

22. Katie Notopoulos, BuzzFeed

23. Brian Abrams, Death and Taxes

24. Anna Menta, Elite Daily

25. Tanya Ghahremani, Bustle

26. Alex Rees, Cosmopolitan

27. Beca Grimm, Creative Loafing Atlanta

28. Mary Emily O’Hara, The Daily Dot

29. Georgina Grogan, She Might Be Loved

30. Eric Dolan, Raw Story

31. Charles Poladian, International Business Times

32. Dave Lozo, Vice

33. Liam Mathews, CBS

34. Caitlin Greenwood, freelance

35. Jessica Blankenship, The Frisky

36. Sophie Kleeman, Gizmodo

37. Josh OKane, The Globe and Mail

38. Colin Jones, The Daily Beast

39. Jeremy Kaplan, Digital Trends

40. Shawn Binder, The Huffington Post

41. David Gilmour, freelance

42. Jennifer Still, Bustle

43. J. Camm, BroBible

44. Laura Reilly, Thrillist

45. Kate Bevan, freelance

46. Brett Leppard, Metro.co.uk

47. Melissa Kravitz, freelance

48. Tabetha Wallace, RT

49. Chris Tognotti, The Daily Dot

50. Mike Isaac, The New York Times

51. David Bixenspan, freelance

52. Jennifer Mascia, The Trace

53. Chrissa Hardy, Bustle

54. Jillian Anthony, Time Out New York

55. Lauren Holter, The Frisky

56. Megan Messerly, The Las Vegas Sun

57. Derek Mead, Motherboard

58. Bryne Yancey, Alternative Press

59. Jamie Varon, freelance

60. Luke Winkie, freelance

61. Amos Barshad, The Fader

62. Selena Larson, The Daily Dot

63. Mallory Cara, freelance

64. Russell Dean Stone, Beat Magazine

65. Ben Jacobs, The Guardian

66. Tanzina Vega, CNN Money

67. Bryan Clark, The Next Web

68. Maurice Peebles, Complex

69. Anna Fitzpatrick, freelance

70. Amber Jamieson, The Guardian

71. Tova Benjamin, freelance

72. Edward Scheinman, Pacific Standard

73. Josh Peterson, freelance

74. Brian Ries, CNN

75. Dan Amira, The Daily Show

76. Sara David, Complex Magazine

77. Phillip Picardi, Teen Vogue

78. Courtney Smith, Refinery 29