Watch All of Bill Clinton's Ad-Libs From Last Night

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/27/16 03:50PM

PHILADELPHIA — Bill Clinton is a brilliant speaker, and more often than not it’s completely off-the-cuff, prepared remarks be damned. In fact, the DNC media team was unable to distribute an advanced copy of his speech, as it does for many of the speakers, because he was reportedly working on it up until he delivered it. And even then, he ad-libbed most of his remarks.

Can You Hear the People Fart?

Brendan O'Connor · 07/27/16 03:00PM

In Philadelphia on Thursday, poverty activist Cheri Honkala plans to host “the world’s largest ‘fart-in,’” during Hillary Clinton’s nomination acceptance speech, as a silent but deadly rebuke to the Democratic nominee. Given the handwringing from Clinton supporters and surrogates about Sanders supporters booing and jeering the Democratic elite (including their own candidate), one can only imagine the outrage that will greet such a bodily demonstration on Thursday. The presumptive nominee, this thinking goes, is supposed to accept her nomination without disruption or distraction—despite the fact that having such a vocal, activist wing of the party is, in fact, a very good thing!

Desperate-For-Attention Trump Is The Only Authentic Trump

Ashley Feinberg · 07/27/16 02:21PM

Donald Trump is an attention-hungry, inauthentic charlatan driven almost entirely by an insatiable appetite for fame and, if he can swing it, fortune. So to treat Donald Trump as if he’s trying to convey any actual message is to miss the point of him entirely. Donald Trump’s only message is that Donald Trump exists.

Fusion Staffers Barred From Eating ABC News Snacks At DNC

Alex Pareene · 07/27/16 12:55PM

PHILADELPHIA — Three sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they feared professional repercussions, have told Gawker that ABC News is not allowing Fusion staffers attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this week to eat the free snacks in the ABC News tent.

Donald Trump Tells NBC's Katy Tur to "Be Quiet"

Jordan Sargent · 07/27/16 11:32AM

Donald Trump held a patently absurd press conference this morning, in which he offered that foreign governments should hack Hillary Clinton, asked reporters if they’re familiar with the “n-word,” and referred to John Hinckley—the man who tried to kill Ronald Reagan—as “David.”

Donald Trump Asks Russia to Hack the United States

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/26/16 11:25PM

In a notably unhinged press conference Wednesday, Donald Trump explicitly requested Russia hack more email accounts belonging to a former Secretary of State, just minutes after denying that Russia was involved in the hack at all.

Bill O'Reilly: Actually, the Slaves Who Built the White House Had It Pretty Good

Hudson Hongo · 07/26/16 09:40PM

On Tuesday, conservative commentators sprang into actually to “fact check” Michelle Obama’s remark about the White House being built with slave labor, successfully missing the point of her story to note that, hey, lots of non-slaves worked on it too. Bill O’Reilly went one further, however, weirdly stating that the slaves that did work on the White House were “well-fed” with “decent lodgings.”