Photo: AP

After making headlines this week by reviving decades-old Clinton scandals, ultimate ‘90s kid Donald Trump hearkened back to a more recent golden era on Wednesday: Earlier this year, when more than a dozen lifelong Republicans got dunked on by a stupid orange clown.

At a campaign event in Anaheim, California, Trump called back to his famously brutal assessment of Jeb Bush as “low-energy,” using it to explain why his former rival had not endorsed him.

“No, Jeb hasn’t done it yet,” said Trump. “He will get a burst of energy and he will do it, believe me. He needs a little more energy.”

During the speech, Trump offered jabs at a number of his defeated primary opponents, but saved his harshest mockery for Mitt Romney, who, according to him, walks like a big dumb bird.

“He walks like a penguin onto the stage,” said Trump. “You ever see that? Like a penguin!”

The Republican primary may effectively be over, but Trump, like the rest of us, just can’t seem to let it go.