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“Men,” the less popular version of women, have shorter life spans, more violent tendencies, and less academic success. Are acronyms the solution to our national masculinity crisis?

Inside Higher Ed reports on the efforts of various colleges and universities to create programs that have goals such as helping men discover what “authentic masculinity” is, which is a very “colleges and universities” sort of undertaking, if you know what I mean. Nowhere is embracing this cause with more fervor than the University of Redlands, where the “Men’s Retention Committee” is hard at work:

Using the budget usually reserved for the committee, they created a program called Dudes Understanding Diversity and Ending Stereotypes, or DUDES.

But will one acronym be enough?

DUDES also operates a leadership institute called Men Achieving Leadership Excellence and Success, or MALES.

The leadership institute’s subcommittee, Brothers Allied to Learn Life Successfully, recommends creating a specialized program, Progressive Excellence Needs Institutional Support. That will in turn produce a platform for change, Diversity Is Coherent Knowledge Helping Every Action Demand Solutions.

Together we will get this problem licked.