Comcast allegedly pulled strings to get one of their customers fired from his job at a prestigious accounting firm after he complained about billing issues and false charges. The former Comcast customer, identified only as "Conal," told his story to Consumerist, the site whose readers have named Comcast "the worst company in America" two years running.

Conal says his trouble started with a few erratic charges: Bills sometimes didn't show up, and he was charged for equipment that was never activated, or that he didn't actually have. Customer service reps promised the problems would be resolved. Instead, things got significantly more hellish in October of last year.

According to Conal, Comcast sent him nearly $2,000 of equipment he'd never ordered and didn't want, and tried to bill him for it anyway.

But, as an accountant by trade, he had no problem documenting every billing error and overcharge, and he brought them in as a spreadsheet when he dropped off the unwanted DVRs, modems, and other equipment.

Even then, Conal says, he wasn't able to get his money back. Instead, Comcast sent him to collections in February.

And this is where Conal made the call that allegedly cost him his job. Per Consumerist:

On Feb. 6, 2014, he chose to try going above Comcast's customer service, which hadn't been of any help in the year he'd been a subscriber, and instead contacted the office of the company's Controller. He spoke to someone in that office who promised Conal would receive a call back to address the issues.

He describes that callback as "bizarre," with the rep not identifying which company she was calling from, just starting out with "How can I help you?" Then she kept insisting that a technician had shown up for an appointment, but wouldn't specify which appointment. The rep then began asking him for the color of his house.

So he tried the Controller's office again, to let them know that the rep they'd sent his way had failed miserably at her job.

Considering that even Comcast acknowledges its customer service experience is so broken that it could take years to reform, you can hardly blame a customer who understands corporate structures for escalating his complaint.

Comcast did blame Conal, though. Consumerist again:

At some point shortly after that call, someone from Comcast contacted a partner at the firm to discuss Conal. This led to an ethics investigation and Conal's subsequent dismissal from his job; a job where he says he'd only received positive feedback and reviews for his work.

The creepiest part is that, although he was allegedly fired for throwing around the name of his powerful employer—who, surprise, happens to do business with Comcast—Conal swears he never told anyone at Comcast where he worked. He believes they just went the extra mile to look him up online and contact his company—because Comcast cares.

Comcast has confirmed at least one part of the story: In a letter to Conal's lawyer, who is considering filing suit against the cable provider, Comcast's lawyer said the company did contact Conal's job.

Comcast's counsel says the ex-customer "is not in a position to complain that the firm came to learn" about his customer service struggle.

It seems that arguing with you on the phone for 20 minutes or trying to talk you into paying fees you know are fradulent is nowhere near the worst thing Comcast can inflict on you, the customer.

They can apparently also wreck your life in ways that have nothing to do with your cable or internet services.

Really looking forward to Comcast becoming basically the only cable provider in America!

[h/t Consumerist, Photo: Mr. T in DC/Flickr]