
Cafeteria Worker Rehired After Losing Job for Giving Food to Low-Income Student

Mallory Ortberg · 12/15/12 01:00PM

A woman who was fired from her job in an elementary school cafeteria earlier this week after giving free lunch to a needy student has been given her job back, according to Missouri's Channel 5 News. Dianne Brame had been employed as the cafeteria manager for Hudson Elementary for the last three years; she began giving free lunches to the student, a fourth-grader, after she realized his name was listed under the free lunch program but his eligible status had expired.

Roger Friedman: Celebrity Scientologists Got Me Fired From Fox!

Foster Kamer · 06/14/09 12:15PM

Wow: Roger Friedman's accusing prominent Church of Scientology members Tom Cruise and Kelly Preston of conspiring against him, and he's citing this as the reason he was fired from his job as a showbiz columnist in a lawsuit against Fox.

Tyler Perry's How to Bust a Union and Bully Employees

ian spiegelman · 10/04/08 10:09AM

Writer/actor/director/producer Tyler Perry knows what's best for his writers. And what's best for them, apparently, is to churn out sitcom scripts without union protection or representation. The Writers' Guild of America West has filed a complaint against Perry's production company for unfair labor practices, claiming four writers on his TBS sitcom, Tyler Perry's House of Payne, were shitcanned for trying to join the union.

Heather Mills' Publicist Hates Her Too

ian spiegelman · 07/26/08 07:10AM

Just when it seemed you couldn't possibly dig up another person to despise Paul McCartney's ex, Heather Mills, the lady's own publicist has just quit in a hilarious-and wordy-fit. Mills' former flack, Michele Elyzabeth, says the trouble started when Mills accused her of working on a tell-all book. "She was screaming and yelling, 'Is it true that you're writing a book about me?' I told her that it wasn't true, and she went bonkers... She was screaming so loud, she told whoever she was with to leave the room. She was yelling, 'I am tired of you, you're so stupid! You're so unprofessional.'"

Army Probes Firing of Arlington Whistle-Blower

ian spiegelman · 07/12/08 12:50PM

Army Secretary Pete Geren is launching an internal investigation into the firing of a former Arlington National Cemetery public affairs director who exposed that cemetery officials were trying to restrict media coverage of military funerals. When Gina Gray took the job three months ago, she discovered that Arlington administrators were trying to curb media presence at funerals for American soldiers killed in Iraq, despite the wishes of their families-and against Army regulations.

Fox Newser Fired for Stating the Obvious

ian spiegelman · 05/10/08 09:21AM

If you're a talking head with no background in journalism to speak of and you work at News Corp.'s Fox News Channel, by all means feel free to lie your silly ass off about anyone who disagrees with you all while glibly maintaining that you have no strong ties to the Republican party. If you're a young production assistant at that depraved stinkhole, do not reveal in passing that you voted Republican. Because the pricks you work for will fire you.

Fox News Not Hesitant To Fire Fox News Critics

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/08 09:45AM

On Friday, Fox News boss Roger Ailes reminded employees in a memo that "there are no locks on the doors." Now the network has proven the point, by helping two find their way out. Eric Burns, the moderator of "Fox News Watch," the media critic roundtable show mandatory to all cable news networks, along with liberal panelist Neal Gabler, who was known for criticizing his employer, have both been let go. Gabler moaned about Fox's lack of promotion for the show, but the network called sour grapes. They did not, however, "wish him well." [NYT]. After the jump, classic footage of Burns&Co. discussing the Larry Craig scandal; sadly, you won't ever get to see this happen live.

'Crain's' Newsroom In A Cold Sweat

Maggie · 10/31/07 04:15PM

Crain's New York Business editor Greg David, a 22-year veteran of the magazine, was kicked upstairs earlier this month, and he's none too happy about it. "David is not going quietly," a tipster tells us, describing the atmosphere as "really horrific." Apparently there have been tears in the ladies room! Frankly, we would be kind of cranky ourselves if management declared us past our expiration date after 22 years. Yesterday, David fired assistant managing editor Carmen Fleetwood, but we hear the decision probably wasn't related&mdash the two often butted heads. Fleetwood hadn't been at Crain's long&mdash she joined the magazine in June after 13 years as a reporter and editor at Dow Jones Newswires.