
Anti-Abortionists Are the Child Donald Trump Doesn’t Want 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/07/16 03:25PM

Donald Trump’s bold and short-lived pronouncement that women who get abortions should be punished failed to translate for a coalition of anti-abortion groups that, looking to him as a sort of father figure, faced the harsh realization that he had no interest in raising them.

Carly Fiorina Accused of Stealing a Group of Toddlers For a Pro-Life Rally

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/21/16 10:49AM

On Wednesday, Carly Fiorina just happened to give a speech on the dangers of abortion and organ harvesting in front of a group of small, bored-looking toddlers. One of the many problems with that scene, say the kids’ parents, is that she liberated them from a school trip without permission.

North Carolina's Abortion Law Just Got Crazier

Allie Jones · 01/11/16 10:52AM

The battle over abortion rights continues in North Carolina, where state law now requires doctors to send the ultrasounds of women seeking abortions to state officials. Depending on whom you talk to, this is either a gross intimidation tactic by the state or a necessary practice to verify that clinics are complying with a previously enacted state law that bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Allie Jones · 12/16/15 01:34PM

After ruling last month that Northern Ireland’s abortion law “breaches human rights,” a Belfast judge declined today to actually change it. It’s up to lawmakers now to allow abortions in cases of rape and incest, but the government has already said it will appeal the ruling.

Cool Pope to Allow Women Who Have Had Abortions into Heaven (For One Year)

Kelly Conaboy · 09/01/15 02:21PM

Cool Pope Francis announced today that for one year only, the “Jubilee Year of Mercy,” coming to a soul in you on December 8, priests may forgive contrite women who have had an abortion. “Couldn’t they already do that?” you might be wondering. Hey, guess what—NO!!!!