
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/15 01:55PM

This week, Dunkin’ Donuts opened its very first store in Iceland. “‘I love the variety they offer,’ said Steinar Gunnarsson, a student, who visited the restaurant soon after it opened. ‘They offer more than just a couple of brands of donuts usually found in Icelandic bakeries.’” Pathetic.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/15 01:23PM

Congressional staffers yesterday enjoyed 6,000 free tacos courtesy of Taco Bell franchise owners who are lobbying Congress to “help prevent their workers from organizing a union or qualifying for employer-based healthcare.” Enjoy that horse meat, motherfuckers.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/15 08:21AM

Today, low-wage workers in 200 cities across the world—fast food workers, Walmart employees, adjunct professors, and more—are walking off their jobs and staging protests to demand better pay and working conditions. Is there a strike near you? Probably. Leave dispatches in the comment section below.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/15 03:02PM

After years of protests by its low-paid employees, McDonald's said today it "will pay at least $1 per hour more than the local legal minimum wage for employees at the roughly 1,500 restaurants it owns"—which does not include the 90% of McD's that are franchisee-owned. Still, it's something.

McDonald's Is America's Most Cynical Corporation

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/15 11:46AM

McDonald's, the molded plastic king of America's molded plastic cuisine, has decided that money will no longer suffice to purchase its meager offerings; the company now demands that you degrade yourself in order to be fed.

Elegy for a Bad McDonald's CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/15 12:15PM

Let us all bow our heads and say a prayer for Don Thompson, fired this week as CEO of McDonald's merely because he was bad at his job, and his company is bad, and performing badly.

Double Down Dog Is KFC's Latest Depraved Assault on Your Digestive Tract

Andy Cush · 01/26/15 11:47AM

Close your eyes and imagine: chicken entrails blended and stuffed into a fleshy, pill-shaped sac, then infused with a savory cheese-inspired paste. Wrap that nuclear taste missile in a slab of breaded poultry, top it with a drizzle of deli mustard, and launch it careening toward your own gaping maw. Do you like it? You've just been Doubled Down, Dog, courtesy of KFC.