
Finally, a Pompous Blowhard Former Television Character Steps Into the Political Arena

Jordan Sargent · 05/11/16 10:35AM

If there’s one thing this election season has been lacking, it’s screen time devoted to the megalomaniacal ranting of a tiresome one-time television character. Thankfully, this morning Bloomberg News published an interview with the actor Jeff Daniels in which he reprises his character Will McAvoy from the deceased HBO broadcast news drama The Newsroom.

This Is How Hillary Clinton Gets the Coverage She Wants

J.K. Trotter · 02/09/16 01:07PM

Hillary Clinton’s supporters often argue that mainstream political reporters are incapable of covering her positively—or even fairly. While it may be true that the political press doesn’t always write exactly what Clinton would like, emails recently obtained by Gawker offer a case study in how her prodigious and sophisticated press operation manipulates reporters into amplifying her desired message—in this case, down to the very word that The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder used to describe an important policy speech.

Who’s Going to Keep Paying For This Crap?

Alex Pareene · 01/29/16 06:34PM

Jim VandeHei, co-founder of The Politico, will leave the Washington-based news operation after the 2016 election. He will take with him Mike Allen, The Politico’s reporter-mascot, who says today that the two plan to start “a new venture that will change the world one more time.”

Clinton Aide Who Avoided FOIA Insists He Didn’t Want to Avoid FOIA When He Wrote “I Want to Avoid FOIA” 

J.K. Trotter · 12/17/15 10:20AM

Former State Department official and longtime Hillary Clinton operative Philippe Reines has repeatedly stated that his email practices at State were aboveboard—even though he was caught lying about using a personal email address to conduct official government business. But new emails obtained by Gawker show that on at least one occasion, Reines discussed skirting the federal open-records law known as the Freedom of Information Act. According to the emails, he told two reporters,“I want to avoid FOIA.” Reines’ attorney dismisses the comment as a joke—but if it was, it was of the funny-because-it’s-true variety.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan Comes Out in Support of Gay Marriage

Max Read · 05/07/12 10:13AM

U.S. Secretary of Education and Chief Presidential Basketball Guy Arne Duncan endorsed marriage equality on Monday morning, telling Mark Halperin on Morning Joe that "yes," he believes gay men and women should be allowed to marry. (Not each other: you know what I mean, though.)

Jon Stewart: Mark Halperin Calling Obama a Dick 'One of the Greatest Things I've Ever Seen'

Matt Cherette · 07/01/11 04:14AM

Mark Halperin was suspended indefinitely by MSNBC yesterday for calling President Obama "a dick" during a live episode of Morning Joe. Schadenfreude at its finest! As Jon Stewart pointed out on last night's Daily Show, though, Halperin's actual comment—which Stewart called "one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life"—paled in comparison to the awkward, Willie Geist-supervised apology that followed it.

Mark Halperin Calls Obama 'A Dick'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/11 09:06AM

Mark Halperin, the always-wrong journopundit who serves as a frequent MSNBC talking head, was on Morning Joe this morning—where, naturally, he was whining about how mean the president was to the simpering DC press corps during his press conference yesterday. "Are we on the seven second delay? I wanted to characterize how I thought the president behaved," said Halperin, setting up what you knew would be one whopper of a funny joke.