How Dov Charney Works: Sleazily

Masturbatory American Apparel boss Dov Charney has caused a good deal of cognitive dissonance lately: on the one hand, he's institutionalized sexist objectification at his company, but on the other hand, he may actually be innocent of the most recent sexual harassment allegations against him. So it's good that Dov is always ready to bring clarity to the situation. Even when he's innocent, he's still a sleazebag.
The New York Times Style section today has a story on Charney that's basically just a recounting of the Dov Charney archives mixed with a healthy dose of Dov Charney ranting and self-aggrandizement. Only one thing makes Dov shut up:
Last month, another five former female employees filed sexual harassment lawsuits against Mr. Charney, including allegations he had asked some of them to engage in sex acts against their will. One of those, Kimbra Lo, said in an interview that Mr. Charney photographed her nude in his bedroom. Some of those photos, scrawled with phrases like, "Don't you think I deserve $250 million?" were posted on a Web site days after Ms. Lo filed her lawsuit. When Mr. Charney was handed screenshots and asked if he knew how his photos got online, he declined comment, citing the litigation.
Yes, of course Dov Charney had all of those X-rated photos of his accusers posted online. Who else would or could have done it? It wasn't enough for him to show them off to many, many reporters; he had to make sure that every last explicit photo ended up online, scrawled with juvenile phrases. Even though the point had already been made completely, Dov Charney—a multimillionaire CEO of an international company—had to ensure that these young women were publicly punished, forever.
Dov Charney: avoiding the high road at all costs.