Crazy Girl Thinks She Can Repel Men

What is the point of "fashion?" The point of fashion is to repel men. Oh. Okay. Darn. This topic admittedly surpasses my understanding. Does it work, this fashion thing?
There is a girl in New York named Leandra Medine. There she is, in the picture. Here is her fashion "thing":
Since April, Ms. Medine, 21, has been publishing photos of herself wearing these pieces on her blog, the Man Repeller, as well as shots of similarly challenging recent runway looks: fashions that, though promoted by designers and adored by women, most likely confuse - or worse, repulse - the average straight man. These include turbans, harem pants, jewelry that looks like a torture instrument, jumpsuits, ponchos, furry garments resembling large unidentified animals, boyfriend jeans, clogs and formal sweatpants.
Haha, that's how you're going to repel men, with weird clothes? Is that the whole thing? That will never work. Gurl U no U need some pepper spray, at least.