You may be too old for trick-or-treating, but there'll still be ample treats around the office and at the parties you attend this Halloween. Here's the candy to avoid if you want to fit into your costume again next year.

The internet's leading nutritional researchers at the Daily Beast ranked the 40 worst candy treats. At the bottom of list is Twix, which has 286 calories, 10.8g of saturated fat, and 37 carbohydrates. But they come in packages of two, so you can totally split that with a friend. Also at the bottom: Milky Way (264 calories, 7.0g saturated fat, 34.6 carbs); Baby Ruth (275 calories, 7.3g saturated fat, 38.9 carbs); and my personal favorites, 3 Musketeers (262 calories, 5.2g saturated fat, 46.7 carbs) and Mounds (258 calories, 11g saturated fat, 31.1 carbs). We guess if you don't feel like a nut, you also feel like getting a gut.

Almost all the items on the list were chocolate-based candy bars. We don't know if that means they didn't rank lollipops, Sour Patch Kids, licorice, seasonal favorite candy corn, or if those are just better for you. (We're going to pretend it's the latter so that we can have something to chew on while we're at some boring costume party this weekend.) But do note that the "healthiest" item on the list still has chocolate. York Peppermint Patty came out on top, with only 165 calories, 1.9g of saturated fat, and 34.8 carbohydrates. And it will make your breath fresh too!

[Image via Christopher Herman/Shutterstock]