A gossipy new Christine O'Donnell profile investigates the men in her life—from the lawyer who bought her a house and frequently spent the night ("the walls upstairs are very thin") to her new male roommate: a Christian rocker.

The Daily Beast's Rebecca Dana went door-knocking in Delaware to get the dirt on O'Donnell, who "feuded bitterly" with her neighbors. Sweet vengeance: They now get to dish about the anti-masturbation politician's sexy, blasphemous life. Like her sugar daddy sleepovers:

Neighbors couldn't help but note, for a candidate who's been so vocally opposed to any pre-marital sexual activity, O'Donnell had frequent overnight visits from her boyfriend Brent [Vasher], a Philadelphia attorney who bought her house just before it went into foreclosure and still owns it to this day.

Most gallingly, in the neighbor's view, O'Donnell had frequent visitors, "and the walls upstairs are very thin."

O'Donnell moved out of the Vasher-owned home when their relationship ended. According to a gossipy neighbor, Vasher told O'Donnell to come get her stuff, then proceeded to "move every item in the house out onto the sidewalk. […] Two weeks after that, O'Donnell drove up with a girlfriend to find the house empty and her stuff gone." Vasher's uncle, David Keegan, was a 2008 campaign staffer who later accused O'Donnell of misusing funds and failing to pay her staff.

O'Donnell's new roommate? A male Christian rocker who is "not authorized to speak to the press."

She shares the combined home/headquarters with campaign staffer David Hust, a heavy-set Christian rocker with a pudding-cup beard and no previous political experience listed online.

According to his website, David Hust is a Christian musician from Texas who "combine[s] classically trained vocals with a modern Praise and Worship sound." Here are two videos from his Vimeo channel:

[DailyBeast, DavidHust.com, Vimeo, images via DavidHust.com and AP]


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