Kim Kardashian: Attacked by hysterical drink throwing woman! Eminem washes his mouth out with soap at home. A television watchdog group goes crazy over starlets. Tiger Woods' ex-wife is a stalker? Saturday Gossip Roundup is a puritan.

  • A woman dumped her drink on Kim Kardashian as she and her sisters filmed their new reality show in New York. Some guy asked Kim for a picture at a restaurant, and this enraged his girlfriend so much that she threw her drink on Kim. Khloe Kardashian almost lost her huge wedding ring when she jumped in to defend her sister, but Kim says on her blog that "I'm totally fine, guys!" How much do you want to bet that the drink-thrower has an IMDB page and the latest of her credits is "Drink Thrower, Kim and Kourtney Take New York." In the annals of celebrity drink-throwing this rates a "Snooki" on a scale of "Basketball Wives" to "Lindsay Lohan". [TMZ][Celebuzz]
  • Nobody is allowed to swear in Eminem's house. He said on 60 Minutes: "I have daughters. I mean, how would I really sound, as a person ... walking around my house [saying], 'Bitch, pick this up.'" So basically Eminem doesn't swear or write obscene lyrics because he has a filthy mind—he only uses it as a ploy to sell records? This is so upsetting. I bet 50 Cent swears at his son all the time. [US Weekly]
  • The couple who tried to extort Full House's John Stamos for $680,000 have been sentenced to four years in prison each. Damn, four years? Bet they wish they tried to extort someone more famous now. If you're going to go to jail for extortion, at least make it someone who's career is still alive. [People]
  • Small singing creature Miley Cyrus is getting flack for her sexy new video, in which she does sexy things in her 17-year-old underwear. "It is unfortunate that she would participate in such a sexualized video like this one," said the president of the watchdog group the Parents Television Council. God, this is a tough one. On the one hand, the Parents Television Council is the worst organization, basically dedicated to making sure nothing good is on TV ever. On the other hand, Miley Cyrus is ridiculous. Too hard to take sides. Head hurts. [TMZ]
  • Oh, Jesus, speaking of the Parents Television Council: They are also lambasting that Britney Spears episode of Glee because of Spears' "skimpy outfits," "sultry grinds," and "girl-girl bumping and grinding." Also, the PTC believes that having Britney on Glee is somehow an endorsement of drug use. So, that explains why the streets have been running with the blood of 11-year-olds since that episode aired. [Daily Mail]
  • Tiger Woods-banging porn star Joslyn James is claiming Tiger's ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, "stalked" her. She says Nordegren stopped by a couple strip clubs James worked at to chat about her affair with Woods. Of course, she told this all to Steppin' Out, the certified Trashiest Magazine of All Time. James said of Nordegren, "I feel bad we never had that moment together." Ha, Elin was coming for you to hit you with a golf club, Joslyn! [Radar]
  • Halley Berry took her new boyfriend and Dark Tide co-star Oliver Martiez to visit her mom in Los Angeles. [People]
  • Washed-up actor Harry Hamlin's house got robbed. He went on the 'Today' Show and blamed ADT for not protecting his house. He also blamed them for not protecting his career. Zing? [P6]