
Rick Santorum Is a Coward

Ashley Feinberg · 07/20/16 06:45PM

CLEVELAND — As we all know, the Kanye West/Taylor Swift “Famous” fiasco reached new heights on Monday when Kim Kardashian released footage of Swift signing off on the supposedly offending lyrics. And ever since, the entire country has been waiting with bated breath for Senator Rick Santorum to finally break his silence on the matter. However, as Gawker uncovered earlier today—Rick Santorum is a coward.

How I (Almost) Made Big Money Working From Home Promoting Products on Instagram

Allie Jones · 01/19/16 02:15PM

Thousands of famous and semi-famous people make money by posting photos of themselves with certain products on Instagram. Some people seem to make all their money this way—Lindsay Lohan, for example. Meanwhile, millions of other people also post photos of themselves on Instagram, often also near or with products, but get nothing in return. Instagram, its parent company Facebook, and Lindsay Lohan are all making money—why shouldn’t I get in on it too?

Kanye West Thinks His Wife's Stupid App Is a Rip-Off

John Cook · 10/09/15 11:10PM

Fatherhood changes a man, which explains why Twitter oracle Kanye West took a charmingly domestic turn tonight, warning parents everywhere of the dangers that stupid little iPad games present when placed in the hands of children: Those stubby little fingers will click on those colorful in-app purchase buttons, racking up charges to daddy’s iTunes account.

All I Need to Know About Pregnancy I Learned From Kim Kardashian

Allie Jones · 08/28/15 11:19AM

Kim Kardashian is currently pregnant with her second child. This is great for Kim and Kanye West and also me personally, because Kim likes to share. While more guarded celebrities have gone to great lengths to conceal the havoc pregnancy wreaks on their otherwise flawless bodies, Kim is real—and a real wellspring of information.

No One Asked You: When Men "Dialogue" About Kim Kardashian's Body

Dayna Evans · 05/21/15 03:25PM

On Wednesday, Vulture published a “conversation” between senior art critic Jerry Saltz and editor David Wallace-Wells that purported to be an intellectual dive into the self-presentation of Kim Kardashian in her book, Selfish. The article’s headline: “How and Why We Started Taking Kim Kardashian Seriously (and What She Teaches Us About the State of Criticism).”

Paris Hilton Is Super Happy for Her Former Personal Assistant

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/02/15 05:45PM

Sometimes it's nice to see an old acquaintance doing well, and sometimes it's upsetting and you're thinking, I hope she loses all her hair, but then you realize people will think you're mean, so you smile and say, Oh, I'm so thrilled for her. Paris Hilton definitely did one of these things recently.

Sorry, Baby

Allie Jones · 12/15/14 02:45PM

"Broom Broom Get Out Me Car" - Kim Kardashian

Allie Jones · 12/12/14 12:35PM

In an unprecedented display of personality, Kim Kardashian revealed to Paper magazine during her infamous nude photo shoot that she has a favorite Vine. It is the Tish classic "in my mums car," otherwise known as "Broom Broom Get Out Me Car." The above video shows Kim Kardashian performing that Vine.