Seven months ago, then-Gen. Stanley McChrystal closed the fast food outlets at large U.S. military bases in Afghanistan due to 'space issues' and because they were contributing to an 'amusement park' atmosphere. They're coming back!

The Stars and Stripes reports that the change reflects both an increase in logistical capabilities in Afghanistan and a new, (relatively) fun-filled attitude towards our country's grimmest intractable conflict. Or as one officer put it: "For troops to be able to go and grab a burger or a piece of chicken or whatever, I don't really think it's that bad."

It always seemed like a good idea putting Burger King in a war zone, and we're glad it's back. But why limit it to bases? Why not embed a mobile Burger King in every Stryker battalion? Sure, our troops can already barely do one push up, but pretty soon war's just going to be robots fighting other robots anyway. [CNN, photo via Getty]