Over in Ireland, a dog and a dolphin play together as if they were siblings. Why? As it turns out, the dolphin is grieving because its mate passed away and became friends with the dog because it was lonely. Aww!

The smart people over at Warming Glow did a little bit of research into this video and discovered an article from The Independent that sheds some light onto this interesting pair:

In recent months, the normally land-loving labrador called Ben has taken to pacing the island's pier and then jumping into the water as soon as Duggie the dolphin appears.

According to his owner, local hotelier, Pat Doohan, Ben and Duggie could spend up to three hours at a time and several times a day frolicking and playing in the sea. And now two island collies have begun joining in the fun.

"They'll be out there swimming around and the dolphin will come up behind Ben and get a fix on the direction he is going.

"Then she'll pop up on the other side. It is just wonderful to watch. They seem to be having great sport," he said.

Since she was first spotted by islanders in April 2006, Duggie the Dolphin has become Tory's answer to Fungi, the bottle-nosed dolphin that has thrilled tourists since first appearing in Dingle Bay 21 years ago.

Duggie's appearance coincided with the body of another dolphin being washed up at the back of the island.

"People think it was probably her partner and because they are believed to have only one mate in life, that is why she has stayed behind," said Pat.

So the lesson learned here is that dogs aren't only man's best friend—but they can be a dolphin's best friend as well!