Pamela Anderson fights for her right to be objectified. Bristol Palin refuses to look at Levi's Playgirl spread. Which iPhone app did Oksana Grigorieva use to record Mel Gibson's terrifying rants? Lady Gaga house-hunts in the Hamptons. TGIFriday gossip.

  • Another day, another banned Pamela Anderson PETA ad. The poster—which shows a bikini-clad Anderson divided into edible portions, like a cow—was supposed to unveil in Montreal, but city officials denied a permit to the unveiling event, effectively killing the roll-out. Does this mean they were opposed to the poster, or just the party for it? Pammy is pretty sure it's the former, and issued this statement: "In a city that is known for its exotic dancing and for being progressive and edgy, how sad that a woman would be banned from using her own body in a political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens. n some parts of the world, women are forced to cover their whole bodies with burqas—is that next? I didn't think that Canada would be so puritanical." [Us, image via Splash]
  • Now that Team Oksana Grigorieva has thoroughly shamed Mel Gibson by leaking five phone recordings of Mad Mel hurling epithets and threatening to kill Oksana, Team Mel is striking back (albeit weakly) with a claim that Oksana tried to extort more than $10 million from Mel for the tapes. Apparently Oksana made the recordings with an iPhone app, which is why her voice is so clear, but Mel's is fuzzy. I bet a bunch of money-hungry marketers are figuring out how to turn this terrible fiasco into app money-making magic as we speak. [TMZ, TMZ]
  • Speaking of Oksana and Mel, the photo of her broken teeth—courtesy of Mel's fist—is now online. [Radar]
  • Bristol Palin hasn't seen Levi's famed Playgirl issue: "No, I don't want to. That's Levi's old life. I don't want anything to do with that." Does it count as an entire "life" if it lasted maybe two weeks, and ended the second he failed to show his penis? [Celebitchy]
  • Donald Trump wants Tiger Woods mistress #1 Rachel Uchitel to be on The Celebrity Apprentice. This is the best gig she could possibly score right now, capitalizing on her infamy but channeling the exposure towards "smart" and "productive" activities. Also, women with big boobs always do well on The Apprentice, so we must advise the Uchi-Coochi-Cooter to say "yes." [TMZ]
  • Lady Gaga is house-hunting in the Hamptons. Apparently she's looking at a $26 million, eight-bedroom home in Sagaponack. Her spokeswoman says this rumor is "untrue," if not defamatory in how whitebread boring it is. [Gatecrasher]
  • Hey, look, another rumor about Levi and Bristol making a reality TV show. [TMZ]
  • Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson have reunited—and so have Amy Winehouse and Samantha Ronson, teamed up for a surprise performance at London's Bungalow 8. Cue the forboding music... [P6]
  • Russell Simmons and his reality crew accidentally crashed a short film screening before they realized they were at the wrong place. The real mystery, though, is this: "Never mind that the guy dates similar-looking women. It's 90 degrees out. How is he wearing a sweater?" [P6]
  • The wife of Letterman's jailed extorter has a humorously appropriate wish list, including Inside Rikers: Stories From the World's Largest Penal Colony. She also wants an air conditioner and some murder mystyeries. [P6]
  • Did the British crown order Kate Middleton to turn a blind eye to Prince William's cheating? The National Enquirer thinks so: "'It won't be IF he does, my dear, it will be WHEN he does—and then you must simply turn a blind eye,' Kate was allegedly told by one of the Queen's advisors." Life as a literal princess: Hard on the heart. [Celebitchy]
  • John Stamos' extortionists—who concocted a story about him propositioning a minor and doing blow with strippers—were found guilty as charged, and face five years in prison each. [TMZ]