
Sumner Redstone Is At Least Competent Enough to Arrange For a Bunch of Threesomes

Jordan Sargent · 05/09/16 03:40PM

Today in a Los Angeles court, a judge dismissed a suit filed by Manuela Herzer, widely described as a one-time “companion” of Sumner Redstone, the 92-year-old media mogul who is the controlling shareholder of CBS and Viacom. Herzer had alleged that Redstone, whose health is fading, is not mentally competent to control his own estate, but her argument was found unpersuasive. Her claim is certainly complicated by recordings published today by Radar that capture Redstone graphically arranging for threesomes with several unnamed women.

60 Minutes Fucked Up Again  

Allie Jones · 03/07/16 12:12PM

Is the woman pictured above Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mother? Heh, no. That’s Kim Cattrall, the Canadian actress best known for her role on Sex and the City and best known in my heart for doing this. In a feature on the prime minister last night, however, CBS’ 60 Minutes misidentified her as Margaret Trudeau.

Les Moonves Is More Like a Pirate Than a CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/15 08:27AM

While you could reasonably argue that many—or even most—corporate CEOs are paid too much money, there is no better poster child for CEO overcompensation than Les Moonves, who plunders the CBS corporation like an evil pirate who tips poorly.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/14 12:15PM

The Hollywood Reporter's fawning new profile of CBS boss Les Moonves—one of the media's most overpaid CEOs—reminds us that his daughter Sara is an editor at Vogue, and you're not.

J.K. Trotter · 12/27/13 11:32AM

Senior CBS correspondent John Miller, who anchored 60 Minutesglowing profile of the National Security Agency earlier this month, is leaving the network to lead the NYPD’s new counter-terrorism division.

It’s Time For 60 Minutes to Die

J.K. Trotter · 12/17/13 04:38PM

60 Minutes, CBS News’ hour-long Sunday newsmagazine, had a good run during its 45 year history, during which its target cohort had kids and retired to Florida. But as the last month indicates—Benghazi! Amazon drones! NSA!—it’s time for the glossy production to clean house. Or, more likely, die.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/10/13 08:55PM

Even Toto thought it was a little weird that CBS played their '80s anthem "Africa" over its Nelson Mandela memorial footage. "As the co-writer of the song, if I had been asked for sync approval, the answer would have been a decline," lead singer David Paich told the Hollywood Reporter.

Lara Logan and Producer Are Put on Leave Over Busted Benghazi Story

Adam Weinstein · 11/26/13 02:10PM

60 Minutes reporter Lara Logan and producer Max McClellan were sent on a leave of absence after CBS finished investigating the pair's now-discredited report on the Benghazi attacks. "The 60 MINUTES journalistic review is concluded, and we are implementing ongoing changes based on its results," a spokesman told Gawker.

CBS Retracts Bombshell Benghazi Report Over Lying Source

J.K. Trotter · 11/08/13 12:22PM

Today CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes retracted its bombshell report about security failures during the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The embarrassing retraction, announced on CBS This Morning by Lara Logan, came nearly a week after The Washington Post challenged the veracity of one of 60 Minutes’ sources, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, and hours after the New York Times revealed that Davies supplied FBI investigators with a very different story.

Bob Schieffer's NSA Farce

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/13 12:18PM

Bob Schieffer, the elderly moderator of CBS's Face the Nation, once dismissed Edward Snowden as "just a narcissistic young man who has decided he is smarter than the rest of us." Yesterday, Schieffer once again addressed the issues of privacy and the NSA. His performance was an embarrassment to journalism.

Cord Jefferson · 08/02/13 08:14PM

Time Warner Cable subscribers have been blocked from watching CBS shows on the channel's website, and TWC has dropped CBS in several markets, due to an argument about the fee TWC pays CBS to carry its signal. If you're affected, don't worry: You are better off without Big Brother.