
For Refugees, Russia Is the Purgatory to North Korea's Hell

Emma Lantreev · 03/09/16 11:25AM

In 2008, Ryu En Nam, a North Korean defector, was extradited from Russia and executed. He was tied to the train going back to North Korea. “It was horrible. The train started moving and for as long as he could, Ryu En Nam ran with it,” human rights lawyer Lubov Tataretz said, recalling what a Korean diplomat’s son had told her, a few years after she tried and failed to prevent Ryu En Nam’s extradition. Under a recently signed treaty, the few asylum seekers who manage to escape the hermit kingdom and make it to Russia will be forcibly repatriated, to a country where prison inmates have to burn bodies of those who starve to death and use the remains as fertilizer.

American Student Detained In North Korea Gives Televised Tearful "Confession"

Jordan Sargent · 02/29/16 03:12PM

Otto Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who has been imprisoned in North Korea since the beginning of 2016, was presented before assembled press in Pyongyang today to deliver what appeared to be a hopelessly coerced confession, in which he admitted he attempted to steal property from a staff lounge at the hotel where he was staying. After, Warmbier broke down in tears and begged for his release back to the United States.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/16 03:20PM

North Korea has launched a brigade of balloons full of cigarette butts into South Korea. The charred detritus shall remind the imperialists of their bleak and smoky future.

North Korea Releases NYU Student After Six Months of Detention

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/05/15 08:30AM

Today North Korea freed a 21-year-old New York University student it arrested last May in what it’s calling a “humanitarian” measure and what everyone else is calling a “political” move to strengthen relations with South Korea.

Taylor Berman · 08/24/15 12:55PM

The great leaflet-inspired standoff is over: North and South Korea have reached an agreement to deescalate tensions along the DMZ. As part of the deal, the South has promised to stop broadcasting propaganda over the border, and the North has expressed “regret” over the mine explosion that injured two Southern soldiers.

Hudson Hongo · 08/08/15 12:00PM

“The wicked Japanese imperialists committed such unpardonable crimes as depriving Korea of even its standard time while mercilessly trampling down its land with 5,000 year-long history and culture,” said North Korean state news on Friday, announcing the country’s new “Pyongyang time” zone.