This New Nancy Grace Daytime Judge TeeVee Show Will Be a Great Thing For Sure
In your terrifying Tuesday media column: Nancy Grace is unstoppable, Robert Thomson is strangely attractive, a British newspaper editor is wrong, and Mississippi is king of journalism states!

CBS is cutting special barter deals with stations across the country to get them to run Nancy Grace's new daytime show "Swift Justice." Nothing says "Justice" like a sweetheart corporate insider deal. Also, just what we need: another daytime judge show. Also, just what we need: more Nancy Grace.

WSJ editor Robert Thomson thinks J-schools are stupid and Bob Woodward is a ponderous bore. We are starting to appreciate some aspects of Robert Thomson's intellect.

More beef! Alan Rusbridger, editor of the Great Britainish news organ The Guardian, has been forced by his own conscience to declare that newspaper online pay walls will make the entire newspaper industry "sleepwalk into oblivion." Which is presumably worse than newspapers continuing down their current path of walking into oblivion wide awake.

The single greatest journalistic moment in the history of the Hattiesburg American: not covering the fact that Tiger Woods was in town, which is the biggest story to hit Hattiesburg since its last lynching. Congratulations on this success by failure, Mississippi.