NBC Fills Jay Leno-Shaped 10 p.m. Time Slot

Well, now that NBC has traveled a few months back in time and given Leno the "Tonight Show" back, they've wasted no time in filling his crucial 10 pm spot: Look forward to Jerry Seinfeld, "Law & Order," and "Parenthood."
That's: "Law & Order SVU" (the one with all the sex stuff), Jerry Seinfeld's new game show "The Marriage Ref," and a new drama, "Parenthood," which stars Rory's mom from "Gilmore Girls." Also, "Dateline." *SNOOOREEE* The line-up is far from permanent, which gives us some time to pitch our new reality show: "Railway Handcart of Love" [AdAge]
•Forget late-night for a minute. NBC does good things, too. Like produce "The Office," starring Jenna Fischer. Now, Fischer is in negotiations to star as Owen Wilson's wife in the new Farrelly brother's film "Hall Pass." Also starring Jason Sudeikis. The only other movie she starred in that we we can think of is the Will Ferrell film "Blades of Glory," which we thought was actually pretty funny. [THR]
•Curse you, Hollywood Reporter, for using the headline "Holy Ship!" for your story about how "Avatar" is closing in on "Titanic" as the number one boxoffice grosser ever. What the hell were you thinking? Are you the New York Post reporting on the Pope's cruise down the Hudson in a glassed-in speedboat? Because that is the only way this is excusable. [THR]
•Weirdest idea for a book adaptation since Woody Allen did Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex. Lionsgate has acquired the screen adaptation rights to pregnancy bible What to Expect When You're Expecting. Yes: A pregnancy guide is going to be a movie. Natalie Portman is in talks to play the table of contents. [The Wrap]
•So, Magnolia Pictures was able to score a PG-13 rating for the upcoming Colin Farrell mermaid fantasy flick "Ondine." But they had to cut out a "racy" and "operatic" sex scene to do it. At what price PG-13!? [The Wrap]
•SPOILER ALERT: That "30 Rock" Jamba Juice episode you just watched? Totally not product placement! Jamba paid zilch. [The Wrap]
•Steven Spielberg is producing a six-part documentary about the reconstruction of the World Trade Center site for the Discovery Channel. It will be shot in 3-D, which is the only reason we're including it in the roundup. Anything in 3-D makes it; that's the rule. [Variety]