Watch The Bitchiest Figure Skating Fight Ever
Ryan Tate · 01/28/08 07:26PM
Figure skater Evan Lysacek has already edged out rival Johnny Weir for the men's U.S. Figure Skating Championships, and Weir has already followed up with an interview in which he said, "I respect Evan as an athlete, but as a person I don’t really like him... There’s nothing special about him to me. We would never be friends." But nothing in the catty rivalry quite matches the quietly seething, passive-aggressive escalation of bitchdom in the following face-off interview, aired just before the championship match and replete with backhanded compliments, subtle digs and averted eyes. Video and a brief passive-agressiveness tour after the jump.
Will Ferrell Plot Generator Does The Wacky Profession Choosing For You
seth · 04/12/07 03:14PM
Blades of Glory's handsome showing has only solidified what everyone by now has long suspected—that Will Ferrell can create box office heat starring in just about anything, so long as the Ferrellian archetype of a pompous chauvinist in a high-profile profession that requires the donning of a silly uniform and the keeping of a semi-retarded sidekick are firmly in place. With that in mind, a resourceful mind at has devised an ingenious "Will Ferrell Movie Generator," which, through the use of complex, proven-Hollywood-formula algorithms that Google will eventually pay in the low ten-figures for, spits out surefire hits like a Krispy Kreme conveyor belt spits out warm donuts. For example:
Short Ends: The Semi-Viral 'Blades Of Glory' Work-Out
mark · 02/21/07 08:50PM· Is releasing clips with exposed time codes so they look "leaked" the newest thing in promotional viral video? Anyway, enjoy these Will Ferrell dick-dips from Blades of Glory, coming soon to a theater near you!
· Famous person has two babies! At the same time! Incredible.
· Where will Britney do her first Redemption Tour interview? If she's truly lost her shit, she'll bypass Diane Sawyer for Carson Daly.
· Every 25 year marriage is bound to have its rough patches, right? We're sure Dave and Paul will works things out eventually, but you know how it is when the wife is all blah blah blah all the time.
· Hey, sex-attacking bat demons!