
Watch Alec Baldwin Play a Bad Journalist on Law & Order: SVU

Rich Juzwiak · 03/20/14 11:47AM

Alec Baldwin said, "Now I loathe and despise the media in a way I did not think possible," in his New York magazine cover story/temper tantrum last month. How fitting, then, that he guested as a shitty journalist/shittier person on last night's episode of Law & Order: SVU. Baldwin played Jimmy MacArthur, a self-obsessed journalist whose poor reporting fucked up the rape case central in the episode. It wasn't until he quit his job that his miserable character had any chance at happiness (see clip above).

The Rihanna/Chris Brown Episode of Law & Order: SVU Was Despicable

Rich Juzwiak · 02/28/13 02:15PM

The ripped-from-the-headlines plot of last night's Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was inspired by Chris Brown's 2009 assault of his on-again-off-again girlfriend Rihanna. Disingenuously, the episode opened with a disclaimer: "The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event." Perhaps this is the disclaimer for every episode of this godawful show, but it was particularly untrue last night as the show went on to reference Chris Brown's apology video, Chris Brown's bowtie, Chris Brown's dick pic, Chris Brown's duet(s) with Rihanna, Rihanna's request to relax the restraining order she was granted, the leaked picture of Rihanna's battered face, Chris Brown's tattoo that kind of resembles Rihanna's battered face and Chris Brown and Rihanna's voluminous social-media interactions. Look at all of those coincidences and marvel at their hilariously incompetent executions.

The Curse of The Dark Tower

Richard Lawson · 07/19/11 04:31PM

For the second time, a movie adaptation of the classic book serial has fallen apart. Also today: Law & Order rips from a new headline, Helen Mirren pinch hits, and some exciting Game of Thrones news.

NBC Fills Jay Leno-Shaped 10 p.m. Time Slot

Adrian Chen · 01/15/10 01:14AM

Well, now that NBC has traveled a few months back in time and given Leno the "Tonight Show" back, they've wasted no time in filling his crucial 10 pm spot: Look forward to Jerry Seinfeld, "Law & Order," and "Parenthood."

The Triumphant Return of Tionna Smalls

Richard Lawson · 06/30/09 09:46AM

Tionna Smalls is back! Such good news. Also: Law & Order: SVU will keep solving sex crimes, Amy Adams will embarrass herself, and strange casting good make for good television.

Sex Crimes Are Forever

Richard Lawson · 04/15/09 09:09AM

Two Elisabeths get cast in movies, a playwright and a theater actress walk into a pitch meeting with HBO... Law & Order: Sex Police will continue on in its sexy way.