Johnny Apple Definitely Didn't Leave Behind Any Wine He Expensed to His Paper. No Way.
In your Arctic Monday media column: Johnny Apple's wine lives on, the Dallas Morning News jets further off its cliff, Tina Brown luvs David Denby, and Bloomberg will soon own everything.

Betsey Apple, the wife of the legendary late NYT correspondent Johnny Apple, is getting ready to auction off some of her husband's leftover wine collection. "And yes, Betsey says, they all belonged to her husband and not to his employer, an important distinction given that he was a legendary expense account artist." Betsey then winked so hard her eye fell out.

The editor of the Dallas Morning News has shockingly endorsed the "section editors report to ad people" scheme that his bosses put into place, which, rather than assuaging the well-founded public presumption that this paper is essentially no longer practicing journalism, further confirms it.

Tina Brown is talking about her internet writing program, The Daily Beast! "We like wit, intelligence and irreverence, but we don't like snark." Neither does David Denby, Tina—maybe you two should get married and make out! And put a video of it on the internet! LOL!

Some financial analysts are suggesting that Pearson could (should?) sell the FT to Bloomberg. The reasoning being that Pearson could use the money, and Bloomberg needs to own every financial publication on the planet Earth, just because it can.