Taxi Driving a Better Route to Success than Wall Street

This is the new path to success: quit Wall Street, drive a cab, and then make it big in the TV business. Are you listening, laid off derivatives traders? It works!
Mike Puerto quit a Wall Street trading gig in 2000, started driving a taxi, and now is almost set to put his own TV show pilot into production. He's found success in the most bootleg way possible!
After finishing the script — a Wall Street drama — he taped a sign behind his driver's seat: "If you are a TV producer or executive, I have a pilot ready to go into production."
Okay, so his producer and photography director are volunteers and he's planning to buy airtime himself to run the show. Still! Dreams can come true! This will also work for laid off journalists, who should be much better writers than former Wall Street guys anyhow. For example, Justin Rocket Silverman, who wrote this story for the NYP, could drive a taxi and hawk a pilot script about a guy who quits a reporting job to become a taxi driver and sells a pilot script. And when it's slow the guy fingerbangs his girlfriend, in the cab.