
Maggie Lange · 03/19/13 03:21PM

Astoundingly, a company selling exact replicas of fancy cars for cheap is a sham. Jalopnik delves deep inside the scam.

Leah Beckmann · 03/15/13 02:50PM

Meet Alexei Volkov, aka "The Punisher," Russia's newest folk hero with an intense case of road rage.

Motorist Impaled by Pole Through Head Survives

Remy Stern · 05/11/11 04:16PM

After Andrew Linn fell asleep at the wheel, he drove into a yard and through a chain-link fence, forcing a pole through his windshield. When medics arrived, a pole was poking out of the back of his head. [Jalopnik]

Indy 500 to Trump: "You’re Fired!"

Remy Stern · 05/05/11 11:28AM

A source affiliated with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway tells us Donald Trump will not be the driver of the pace car for this month's 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 after fans complained he was too politically-motivated. [Jalopnik]

Libyan Blood on American Trucks

Remy Stern · 04/18/11 03:49PM

Two armed Libyan soldiers are firing teargas on protesters in a city street. A common sight except for the vehicles they're in: U.S-built Toyota Tundra pickup trucks. How did these vehicles end up in the hands of Qaddafi's government? [Jalopnik]

How a University Punished a Student Over a Bikini Photo

Remy Stern · 04/14/11 03:58PM

A Canadian university suspended its student racecar-building team after one of the engineers in training had the audacity to pose with it while wearing a bikini. It's an independent study course in sexism, administrative idiocy and misplaced priorities. [Jalopnik]

This Is Not an Ocean

Remy Stern · 04/11/11 06:30PM

Heavy snow melt, moist soil, and North Dakota's peculiar geography combined over the weekend to turn the roads and fields around Fargo into a seemingly giant shallow ocean. Called overland flooding, it creates bizarrely apocalyptic scenes like this. [Jalopnik]

The Scariest Car Crash Ever Was Real

Remy Stern · 04/05/11 12:33PM

Yesterday we showed you video of a scary car accident in which a two-by-four kicked up by a truck rockets through a car's windshield. The video was so amazing that people thought it had to be fake. It wasn't. [Jalopnik]

How The Detroit News Sold Its Soul

Remy Stern · 03/16/11 05:01PM

Scott Burgess resigned today as The Detroit News auto critic after his editors bowed to a request by an advertiser to water down his negative review of the Chrysler 200. This is why we can't have nice reviews anymore. [Jalopnik]

The Strangest Looking Police Chase Ever

Richard Blakeley · 02/01/11 02:55PM

High speed car chases are nothing new, but police chasing horse drawn wagons filled with people? Now that's a sight to behold.

Katie Couric Rescues Snowbound Billionaire

Brian Moylan · 01/27/11 11:31AM

Media mogul Barry Diller was driving his Maserati through a snowy Central Park this morning when it got stuck. Luckily Katie Couric happened by to help push it out—in the wrong direction. Rich people really don't "get" snow.

If Trains Had Porn, This Would Be It

Matt Cherette · 01/26/11 05:28PM

How cool could a train video possibly be? Well, judging from this mesmerizingly beautiful video, VERY cool. Watch as a long-as-hell Burlington Northern Santa Fe freight train makes its way through the foothills of the Rockies—like a boss.