The realization that the retirement money of middle-class workers should not be invested in crazy expensive hedge funds is now hardening into conventional wisdom.
Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/16 03:15PM
Don’t get too crazy but there is a chance that Japan will actually try “helicopter money.” Helicopter money! Drop it on us! Dreams come true!
This year, both the Democratic and the Republican platforms say they want to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, which separates commercial and investment banking and is generally hated by banks. So what do the real “insiders” think will happen?
A lot of American cities have fucked up in a very important way: they haven’t been building enough housing. And just turning the shed in the back yard into a rental ain’t gonna cut it.
Today, more evidence that pensions are a slow-moving disaster that will in your lifetime consume our nation like the inexorable creep of hot lava down a volcano’s edge consumes everything in its path.
For hundreds of millions of people in the U.S. and Europe, the past decade has been absolutely without any advance in incomes. This could be the start of an entire generation that never sees its living standards progress.
Risk! A short word that keeps the world exciting and dangerous and ultimately destroys us all. In these uncertain times, we pine for the totems of our simple past—like the risk of massive real estate bubbles.
Management experts speak of every company as having “stakeholders”—all of the different people affected by what a company does. If you can rearrange the hierarchy of stakeholders, you can change the world.
Today is the day—the day for the “Brexit” vote that you’ve been hearing so much about, against your will. What do you, the only very vaguely interested American, need to know?
Since the end of the Great Recession in 2009, incomes in America have, on average, gone up. But in 15 of the states in our country, all of those gains have gone to the top 1%.
A new survey of investors around the world finds that people have a very simple expectation when they invest their money: they want to get rich, soon, no strings attached.
Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/16 02:06PM
Uber plans to raise another $2 billion, which it will probably use for its favorite cause: subsidizing its own prices in order to drive competitors out of the market. When all of the Uber competitors are finally gone, everyone is in for a big surprise!
Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/16 11:00AM
“Bank tellers, the single largest occupation within [the retail banking] category, have a median hourly wage of $12.44.” A 2014 report found that “nearly one-third of tellers’ families” were enrolled in public assistance programs.
A financial meltdown in China is the currently the leading contender for “Next global financial crisis that will definitely screw you somehow, even though you don’t have that much money.” We now know that GEORGE SOROS is betting on China’s demise too.
Many financial types are very confident that China will have a financial meltdown in the near(?) future. The fear is so widespread that you can make a lot of money if China’s stock market doesn’t go to hell.