In the past 24 hours, more than 8,000 of you voted on which Conde Nast magazine most deserves to live. You care, you really care! Your full results—and what they mean—below:

Winner: Wired. A deserving one! Wired is, it's safe to say, the most fully developed and cerebral magazine of the bunch. It's been thin lately, but it obviously has plenty of fans. And we'll be buying ten subscriptions and handing them out to you. Stay tuned.

Runner-up: Portfolio. A thoroughly respectable showing! Especially considering the amount of trash talk directed at Fort Polio around here. It does have some great content every once in a while. But the money Conde spends to put this magazine out may prove to be its downfall.

The Tie: Bon Appetit and Gourmet. Two separate food magazines, with different approaches, both of which are losing advertising at an alarming rate, separated by just six votes. We wondered: does Conde need two food magazines? Answer: no. Combined, they would have won this poll running away. Deciding which title to keep was just as hard for you as it would be at 4 Times Square.

The Dregs: Allure, Teen Vogue, Cookie. None of these got a lot of support, but we're guessing your demographics and their demographics aren't the best match. So call it even. Ironically, Cookie, which came in last, is perhaps the most promising start-up at Conde Nast, business-wise.

The Real Loser: Details. It didn't come in last. But around here—considering our audience—Details really should have been able to pull at least 10% or so — or at least beat out Teen Vogue. The fact that it didn't is an ominous sign.