As all of America has no doubt been made aware of during her press tour for Marley & Me, Jennifer Aniston hates talking about Brad Pitt.

This is why she appears nude on the cover of the new GQ and speaks more in-depth about Brad Pitt than ever before. No one will ever notice! However, Pitt is not the only source of uncoolitude in her life, as Aniston also has some icy language for Angelina Jolie:

Jennifer called stories related to herself, Brad and Angelina the "insane Bermuda Triangle."

And later, she admitted she does not speak to Angelina.

"No. Nuh-uh," she told GQ, who asked if the two actresses talk.

Jennifer hinted that future conversations might be a bridge the two won't be crossing any time soon either.

"Well, you know, that was definitely a confirmation for me of something that wasn't quite confirmed at the time," Jennifer told the GQ scribe. "But listen... You sit there and you... No. No daggers through the heart. I laugh. Am I surprised? Well, how do I say this?... Considering the source, nothing surprises me."

Not to be outdone in the quickly ensuing press game of tit for tat, Jolie promptly granted an interview where she divulged, "Do I talk to Jennifer? Mostly, I talk at her when a dubbed Friends rerun is playing on a small TV in the lobby of a Ugandan orphanage. Doesn't she end up with David Schwimmer in that? Seems about right."