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• Here's a rather unlikely rumor but an amusing one all the same: Prince William is supposedly thinking of moving to America with his girlfriend, Kate Middleton, and the two have been spotted house-hunting in Malibu. Frankly, if they were going to move to America—and they're probably not—we see them as more of a New York couple. And NYC could use a prince roaming around, couldn't it? Let's all cross our fingers and hope for the best. [E!]
• Countess (and not-so-real housewife) LuAnn de Lesseps was spotted hanging out with young men and doing tequila shots at a club in the Hamptons last weekend. And the earth continues to rotate on its own axis, too. [P6]
• That was quick. Just a couple of weeks after Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson supposedly reunited, the couple appears to have split up again—and it's all Nicole Richie's fault, too. Or maybe they never got back together at all? Feel free to take your pick. [E!, People, AH]

• Not-so-sexy lesbian coupling of the day: Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers is now involved with Hilary Rosen, the former head of the Recording Industry Association of America. [P6]
• Victoria Beckham has had breast surgery again. This time it was to remove her implants, though, bringing her from a 34DD to a more modest 34B. [DM]
• Owen Wilson has taken up with a Kate Hudson lookalike, it seems. [NYDN]
• What's Guy Ritchie been up to recently? Glad you asked. He's been loving life and dating Bosnian chicks, apparently. [DM]
• Protesters have been gathered outside the David Letterman show this week to object to his assault on Sarah Palin's good name. [NYDN]
• It seems Rihanna has a new man in her life, the hip hop artist Drake. [P6]
Barry Diller had jury duty yesterday, just so you're aware. [P6]
• Twitter can be used for good (those protesters in Iran). Or it can be used for evil purposes, too: Robert Pattinson was stalked on the set of his new movie in NYC this week and it was thanks to the social networking service. [Us]
• Sarah Palin has not been "counseling" Jon and Kate Gosselin. [Us]
• Kim Kardashian has been counseling Heidi Pratt, however. [Us]
Michael Strahan is now engaged to Eddie Murphy's ex-wife. [NYDN]
The City is introducing two new girls next season to spice things up. [P6]
• The brother of Mia Farrow was found dead in home on Monday. [People]