It sounds like Glamour is losing more than its awful womanizing blogger: An emailer tells us about five editors and a senior celebrity writer who have all left the women's magazine within the past few months, some without other jobs lined up. Crisis! Articles about "men's new sexual needs" and "the 10 greatest catfights" do not conceive, assign and massively rewrite themselves! Names and details after the jump.

Glamour is losing a bunch of its best editors. In the past few months, a half-dozen editors have bolted: Both of the magazine's beauty editors, Stephanie Huszar and Tram Nguyen, left for greener fields at beauty companies. Articles editor Abigail Pesta, who recruited Mariane Pearl and launched her column, left for Marie Claire. Senior celeb writer Laurie Sandell left as well, opting to go freelance instead of staying on staff. Managine editor Molly Gulati quit recently with no new job. Now, features director Genevieve Field, who oversaw relationshp features, has left her staff job to go freelance as well. Who's next?

We haven't been able to find proof for any of this elsewhere on the internet, so if you have additional information, let us know: