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True, celebrity mugshots bring us joy all year round, but there's something about the final few of the year, as reassuring as a Happy Everything card dropped in our mailbox from an old friend, that truly touches us in the most tender quadrants of our hearts: a happy reminder that regardless of what strife is thrown at us, life in Hollywood will go on. And so we share with you this booking photo of stalwart recidivist Michelle Rodriguez, who checked herself into former Hilton-rehabilitating facility Lynwood on Sunday for the first of a Kiefer-eclipsing 180-day sentence for failing to perform court-ordered community service and drinkin' on the SCRAM.

Unlike some of her cokepant-wearing, freeway-current-disregarding compatriots, whose debts to society were deemed sufficiently paid in under 90 minutes, Rodriguez will be serving all 180 days (that's six months!), more than enough time to compose several collections of verse, and mount a fairly ambitious, all-girl production of The Music Man, in a continuation of the important jailhouse arts initiative program she began during her last stint behind bars.