PrivacyWatch Special Edition: A Pitt Father-Son Bonding In Oxnard

No sooner had we accepted the dreary reality that this town was downright free of surprises and goodies 'til the new year, what should appear beneath our Defamer non-denominational electrified seasonal shrubbery but a shiny, wrapped PrivacyWatch sighting of Zelig-like, proud new adoptive papa Brad Pitt! With child!
So, on 12/21, my boyfriend goes to Sports Chalet in Oxnard (Ventura County), and who does he see perusing the aisles? BRAD PITT! But the ever morphing Pitt wasn't alone, he was with Maddox Jolie! After confirming multiple times that it was Brad (aviators on inside, all black attire (including a black range rover outside) and Cambodian kid complete with mohawk), I asked him if he took a picture with his camera phone (you know, Christmas IS just around the corner)...alas, he did NOT, banishing my dreams of a million dollar Christmas after all!
P.S. For those of you that don't know Oxnard, I'll just say it's the very least place you'd expect B.P. or any celebrity to be, (maybe George Lopez?) but considering its apparent lack of paparazzi, it might just be a future hotspot! Take that Kitson!
Go Team Jolie! No doubt, while the boys got their sporting goods on, Angelina and Zahara were having a girls' day out at a stripmall around the corner, luxuriating in a mom-and-infant two-fer manicure special at Oxnard Happy Happy Nails.