Martha Stewart, a "curious, inquisitive, experimental entrepreneur who cares about the world we live in" cares a lot about one thing in particular: her drone. Drones are her "thing" now. Drones are trending:

In an essay for Time, America's foremost lifestyle blogger* explains this recent obsession. She skirts around the privacy and safety concerns associated with private citizens operating drones wherever they damn well please and instead opts to imagine a world in which Louis XIV and Henry IV had them too:

It is hard to imagine André Le Nôtre laying out the exquisite landscape designs for Vaux-le-Vicomte, and later the magnificent Château de Versailles, with no high hill to stand on, no helicopter to fly in, and no drone to show him the complexities of the terrain.

Now Martha wants a time machine! Never enough tech for this gal. As for the larger issues surrounding drone use? Don't ask her.

Do [drones] raise legitimate privacy concerns? Should they be regulated? Should we have a national debate?

I don't have all the answers.

What Martha does have is her beloved drone. And according to her essay and photos on her blog, she's been using it to take pictures of her farm, which honestly sounds harmless. ("I don't have any neighbors," she revealed in May.) The results have been "phenomenal!" For example: "An aerial shot of the vegetable garden looked very much like my Peter Rabbit marzipan embellished Easter cake."

And btw, she knows you're joking about her. Martha gets it: "Henry Alford wrote a satirical essay about me and my drones in The New Yorker that was really funny but missed the point about why I love my drone." You hear that, Alford? Fuck off.

*it's OVER, Blake

[Image via AP]