
Drone Pilot Fucks With the Wrong Kangaroo

Jay Hathaway · 12/22/14 03:24PM

A pilot tracking an Eastern grey kangaroo and her joey through Hunter Valley, Australia got a little too close, and perhaps underestimated the roo's speed and vertical leap. Although the pilot tried to back the drone up, it was too late: His shit got wrecked.

Let John Oliver Convince You That Our Drone Program Is Terrifying

Aleksander Chan · 09/29/14 08:20AM

Do you understand how exactly the United States' drone program works? The genuine, terrifying answer is that barely anyone has a complete picture of not only who we are targeting, but also who we're killing. "Perhaps the most incredible thing about our drone program," Oliver says, "which again, a majority of us support, is not how little we know about who the government is killing, but how little they themselves seem to know."

Memo Approving 2011 Drone Strike on American Released by Appeals Court

Aleksander Chan · 06/23/14 05:40PM

Following a Freedom of Information Action lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Times, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan released today the (heavily redacted) Justice Department memo that outlined the legality of President Obama's authorization to kill an American citizen overseas by drone strike.