Worried about accidentally wearing the same thing as Mark Wahlberg to Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy's wedding today? Well, don't be! He's allegedly not going, so wear whatever you want!

TMZ reports Mark Wahlberg, actor who would have stopped 9/11 if he had only been on the plane, won't attend his brother's wedding because he and his wife don't like Jenny McCarthy. OK! From TMZ:

According to multiple Wahlberg sources, Mark is not as close with Donnie and Jenny as Jenny has made it seem. Or at least, not with Jenny. We're told Mark's wife Rhea did not like a recent interview Jenny gave with Howard Stern where she talked about her relationship with Mark.

We're told brother Bobby won't be at the wedding either ... and ditto for mama W, but that's because she doesn't fly.

Of course, those hurt the most by Mark Wahlberg's alleged decision are those showing up to Donnie's wedding expecting to see an actual celeb. What a bummer. You could've rented a beach house for the long weekend!

[image via Getty]