
Rand Paul Has More Than $300,000 in Unpaid Bills From Failed Presidential Bid 

Hannah Gold · 07/31/16 03:40PM

The Lexington Herald-Leader reported on Saturday that the Republican Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, has yet to pay off $301,108 in debt accrued during his failed presidential bid, according to his most recent Federal Elections Commission filing, on June 30. Poor Rand only has $2,558 in cash on hand to balance his debts, at present.

RNC Pretends to Release Speaker Schedule

Ashley Feinberg · 07/17/16 05:12PM

This year’s Republican National Convention isn’t what one might call “organized” or “functional” or “attended by people who actually want to be there in any capacity.” But you can almost definitely say that it “is happening.” The RNC still just doesn’t seem to want to tell us when.

Report: Rich Kid Democratic Challenger for Marco Rubio's Senate Seat Vastly Overstated His Business Experience

Brendan O'Connor · 06/23/16 04:12PM

A investigative report from CBS Miami into two-term Democratic representative Patrick Murphy—who is running to take Senator Marco Rubio’s seat from the Republican Party—has cast significant doubt on Murphy’s repeated claims that he worked as a Certified Public Accountant and owned his own business. According to the report, however, Murphy never actually worked as a CPA, and his father bought the company that he only briefly worked for, and claimed to own.

Marco Rubio Is Really Doing This

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/22/16 11:45AM

Marco Rubio, who swore up and down he was done with the Senate, is now running for reelection, using the excuse that he was called into action by the Orlando Pulse attack. That’s a lie, and it’s a deeply cynical lie.

Marco Rubio Not About to Endorse a Loser Like Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/02/16 08:58AM

Marco Rubio advisors say the junior senator from Florida would happily endorse Ted Cruz, but only if Ted Cruz was going to win anyway and there was no one else to endorse and it helped Rubio in some way.

Marco Rubio Please Fuck Up My Football Team

Jordan Sargent · 04/01/16 12:15PM

For most of you, the day Marco Rubio dropped out of the Republican presidential race is the same day he disappeared from your life, perhaps forever. The same may not be true for me.

Marco Rubio Suspends His Campaign (Finally)

Ashley Feinberg · 03/15/16 07:45PM

After getting soundly trounced by Trump in his home state, Marco Rubio finally took his campaign out back and put it out of his misery. Which means he should be endorsing Donald Trump by—oh, let’s say Friday.

Marco Rubio Doesn't Care About Florida—or Anyone

Brendan O'Connor · 03/10/16 10:40PM

Marco Rubio, junior senator from Florida, which is sinking in to the sea, glibly dismissed a direct question tonight about legislative measures he would take to ameliorate climate change. Marco Rubio is a climate-change denier.

Marco Rubio Should Focus His Campaign on One Thing: Winning Dancing With the Stars

Jordan Sargent · 03/09/16 09:40AM

With Marco Rubio’s campaign for the presidency likely drawing its last breaths, the candidate’s focus should be squarely on a single, attainable victory—one that is still well within reach. Not a surprise upset of Donald Trump in Rubio’s home state of Florida, but instead a far more glorious triumph—on the mega-popular reality show Dancing With the Stars.

Trump Accuses Cruz and Rubio of Talking to Their Super PACs 

Brendan O'Connor · 03/08/16 11:41PM

In a characteristically rambling speech on Tuesday, Donald Trump accused Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz of coordinating with the super PACs supporting their candidacies: “They talk to their super PACs. They’re not supposed to, but that’s the way life works.”