Terrible and adorable at the same time.

In the video below, the Tampa Bay Times ventured out to an unincorporated glen across the bay where neighbors say one woman has moved out of her 1,400 square-foot modular home, but left dozens of cats behind. The woman, "who still owns the home, comes every couple of days to feed the cats, but some are missing hair and appear undernourished," the paper reports.

There's something strangely compelling about seeing all those cats in one place, but they deserve to live in better conditions than they have.

Authorities are close to seizing the cats, but are also working on a deal with the owner to turn them over. Local shelters don't currently have room for all the animals, and there's a risk that many may be destroyed if homes cannot be found for them.

Meanwhile, the cats soldier on in the home, nominally cared for on their owner's sporadic schedule.