Now this just doesn't make any damn sense: A hunting group based in Dallas will be auctioning off a permit to kill an endangered black rhinoceros, to raise money to save the endangered black rhinoceros.

"First and foremost, this is about saving the black rhino," Ben Carter, executive director of the Dallas Safari Club, told the Agence France Presse. Namibia has the right to kill five endangered rhinoceros, and it just so happened that the Dallas Safari Club won the right to do the deed this year. But at least they're trying to do good!

The permit is expected "to sell for at least $250,000, possibly up to $1 million," at the club's convention next year. The black rhinoceros population in Africa has been decimated by hunters looking to sell its valuable horn, which many believe possess special healing powers. The money would go to The Conservation Trust Fund, which protects black rhinos.

But not everyone is so enthusiastic about the plan.

"The world is seeing a concerted effort to preserve the very few black rhinos and other rhinos who are dodging poachers' bullets and habitat destruction," Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States, told Al Jazeera. "The last thing they need are wealthy elites from foreign lands coming in to kill them for their heads."

But it would saaaave them. C'mon!