
We Can Rebuild the Northern White Rhino—We Have the Technology

Chris Thompson · 11/12/15 07:12PM

There’s endangered, and then there’s critically endangered, and then there’s the northern white rhino. There are just four—four!—northern white rhinos left on earth. The population has been cut nearly in half—from seven to four—in just the last 12 months. Even using the word “endangered” to describe their predicament seems dishonest—if left to nature, they are gone. Their conservation status should read “hopeless.”

John Muir Forever

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/14 02:45PM

John Muir was the founder of the Sierra Club and the inventor of the modern American conservation movement. He was instrumental in preserving some of our nation's natural wonders. And now, some top environmental thinkers say John Muir's legacy is stupid.