
Clinton Donor Confirms Presence of Static Noise Machine at Secretive Colorado Fundraiser

J.K. Trotter · 04/13/16 12:25PM

Last week, a local Denver journalist named Stan Bush reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign appeared to be using a hidden static noise machine to prevent reporters and other passerby from hearing the candidate’s stump speech at an outdoor fundraiser held at the private residence of Colorado’s governor, John Hickenlooper. The general allegation hung in odd kind of limbo, however, since Bush managed to record the machine’s (inherently indiscriminate) sound but was unable to photograph the actual device, while Clinton’s press shop ignored reporters’ attempts to confirm the machine’s existence. Meanwhile, the underlying question went unanswered: Why was Clinton using a static noise machine in the first place?

Report: Hillary Clinton Used Static Noise Machine to Prevent Reporters from Hearing Fundraising Speech

J.K. Trotter · 04/08/16 06:50PM

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton delivered a fundraising speech at the private residence of Colorado’s governor, John Hickenlooper, in Denver’s Park Hill neighborhood. The venue, a tent pitched on Hickenlooper’s lawn, was positioned close to the nearest street, which would have (theoretically) enabled non-guests to listen in on Clinton’s remarks. According to an on-scene reporter, however, the Democratic frontrunner’s campaign used a “static noise machine”—i.e., a larger speaker blasting static interference—to prevent such eavesdropping:

Kansas to Colorado Medical Marijuana Patient: Give Up Pot and We'll Give Back Your Kids

Andy Cush · 01/14/16 04:27PM

A Gulf War veteran who legally uses medical marijuana to treat his post-traumatic stress disorder is fighting with Kansas child welfare officials for custody of five of his children, who were taken from him after a dispute in April, the Denver Post reports. According to their story, Raymond Schwab was told that a condition of the children’s return was that he provide four months of drug-free urinalysis tests, including cannabis.

Accused Planned Parenthood Killer Tries to Fire Lawyers

Brendan O'Connor · 12/23/15 07:35PM

In Colorado Springs, Colorado, Robert Dear, the man accused of killing three people in an attack on the Planned Parenthood clinic there, stopped court proceedings on Wednesday with an outburst demanding that he be allowed to represent himself.

Here Are the Presidential Candidates Who Haven't Commented on the Planned Parenthood Shooting Yet [Updated]

Melissa Cronin · 11/28/15 05:17PM

After the devastating shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Friday, commenters (welcome and not) have come out of the woodwork to give their hottest takes. A few, including a large slice of the candidates for the highest elected position a politician can hold in the U.S., have remained silent as a power-hungry throng of church mice.

Fox News Commentator Blames Planned Parenthood Shooter on Obama

Ashley Feinberg · 11/27/15 07:48PM

While Colorado police were apprehending the Planned Parenthood shooting suspect Friday night, Fox News was busy ensuring its level of discourse met our most base expectations. Which, of course, amounts to little more than: Thanks, Obama.

Jason Parham · 08/13/15 04:27PM

A Colorado state appeals court ruled against Masterpiece Cakeshop Thursday, stating that the bakery could not deny service to a same-sex couple based on the religious beliefs of its owner. The bakery, which plans to appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court, had previously refused service to three gay couples.