
Philly.com Runs Hot Naked Boob Pic

Hamilton Nolan · 11/27/12 01:59PM

Long story short, Philly.com ran a photo from Playboy in which a woman wantonly displays a hot naked boob as the illustration for a column today. This fact was noted by many readers and by Jim Romenesko, and the photo was removed. Will we allow faceless "news" organizations to try to erase the historical record like that? No, so the original boob illustration is below.

Nope, That Topless Photo of Rihanna Isn't Real (NSFW)

Jordan Sargent · 11/23/12 03:14PM

Let's take a break from Black Friday and the crumbling of American society. Instead, let's look at an image of a singer Photoshopped so that she appears topless. The singer in question is Rihanna, whose most recent album cover features a partially topless photo of her with various words and phrases scribbled over her body. The image in question is this photo that's been floating around Tumblr since yesterday that purportedly shows the uncensored image used for the Unapologetic cover.

The Collected NSFW Videos of Alexis Wright, the Maine Zumba Madam

Max Read · 10/16/12 03:40PM

Alexis Wright has been accused of running a prostitution ring out of her Zumba studio in the vacation town of Kennebunk, Maine. But she also made dozens, if not hundreds, of porn videos — including some that may have featured clients — and we've got a bunch of them right here. And they're very not safe for work. Consider yourself warned.

Penises Exposed in Broad Daylight Becoming Less Cool in San Francisco

Cord Jefferson · 10/03/12 07:05PM

In 2008 I went to San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair with my then-girlfriend and saw the oddest instance of public nudity I'd ever come across. It was a guy in a mask who was naked from the waist down and sitting motionlessly in a doorway, ostensibly unperturbed by the thousands of people milling around about him. I was confused as to why someone might wear a T-shirt and socks but no pants or underwear, but the man himself didn't seem unsure of a thing. He didn't even move when another, younger man came out of the door he was obstructing, forcing the resident to quietly step over him as if he were the one doing something strange.