
Alison Pill Tweeted Her Boobs Because Blackberry

J.K. Trotter · 09/05/13 02:51PM

Nearly a year ago, Newsroom star Alison Pill accidentally tweeted a very NSFW picture of herself lying in bed. On Tuesday’s episode of Conan, Pill blamed her then-new touchscreen Blackberry phone. (She was apparently accustomed to the phone manufacturer’s physical keyboards.) Discussing the incident, she told Conan O’Brien:

Demi Lovato's Scorned Female Lover Shopping Nude Pics, Leaks 'Preview'

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/23/13 09:46AM

Individuals claiming to be friends with a girl who allegedly had a on-off relationship with X Factor judge Demi Lovato have spent the past week trying to unload what they say are as many as 20 nude photos of the 21-year-old, and could be nearing a deal with gossip blog Celebslam.

China Thought This Fetish Porn Scene Was an American Execution [NSFW]

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/07/13 08:32AM

China's largest state-run news agency has apparently fallen into the all-too-common trap of mistaking obvious porn for hard-boiled news after it tried to pass a series of stills from a fetish film called Lethal Injection as an actual lethal injection taking place in the United States.

Here Is a 99-Page Guide to One Highly Organized Australian Man's Dick

Caity Weaver · 08/01/13 12:30PM

There once was a ripped, huge-dicked, extremely attentive, highly organized young man from Australia who was frightfully eager to find the woman of his dreams (within a 50 km radius of his home). To that end, he drafted a 99 page guide (to himself, his life, his future wife; his quirks, his tics, his eleven-inch dick; his orgasms, his bed, his "Fat Cock Head") and emailed it to potential girlfriends in advance of their first date.

Lawyer Asks Hiring Firms to Google Him, Puts Nude Selfie on Facebook

Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/24/13 04:31PM

A go-getter lawyer who recently passed his bar exam decided to hit the ground sprinting with a mass email blast to thousands of potential employers across the state of Delaware in the hopes that one of them will take a chance on a greenhorn.

Subway ‘Sandwich Artist’ Puts Penis on Bread, Posts Pic on Instagram

Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/22/13 06:15PM

You'd think that, with the recent rash of news stories covering fast food employees getting canned for posting photos of themselves mishandling food to their social media accounts, other restaurant industry workers would arrive at the conclusion that following in their footsteps would be a bad move on their part.