
Large Penis Videobombs News Anchor During Live Broadcast

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/03/13 04:43PM

Talk about NSFW: With news anchors doing all they can not to say the word "penis" on the air, you'd think the least their production staff could do is avoid flashing a giant penis on the screen behind them.

Ex-Deputy Mayor of London Posted Dick Pics on Facebook (NSFW)

J.K. Trotter · 09/25/13 03:08PM

Never trust your smartphone again. According to the British website Trending Central, Richard Barnes, the former deputy mayor of London and member of England’s right-wing Conservative Party, accidentally uploaded several pictures of his naked torso and unclothed crotch to his public Facebook page—apparently because Barnes activated the Facebook iPhone app’s auto-upload feature. His Facebook followers took several screenshots before he deleted them.