
North Korea Successfully Launches Shitty Photoshop of Submarine Missile

Ashley Feinberg · 05/20/15 04:56PM

A little over a week ago, North Korea claimed to have successfully launched a ballistic missile from an undersea submarine. Such a launch would have been a major step forward for the hermit country, if it had actually happened. But according to German aerospace experts, the photos supposedly proving North Korea’s technological prowess only proved that, once again, North Korea is shit at Photoshop.

Sony Is Putting The Interview on YouTube Today

Sam Biddle · 12/24/14 11:05AM

Have you ever rented a movie on YouTube? Of course not—but if you feel like watching the controversial (and by all indications, very mediocre) assassination comedy The Interview, you might have to give Google your credit card. (UPDATED)

Obama: Sony Hack Not an Act of War

Brendan O'Connor · 12/21/14 11:30AM

President Obama has said that he does not consider the Sony hacks to be an act of war by North Korea—which the president's administration has blamed for the attack—but rather vandalism, the Chicago Tribune reports.

FBI Officially Accuses North Korea of Sony Hack

Taylor Berman · 12/19/14 12:53PM

The FBI has concluded that North Korea is to blame for the devastating hacking attack against Sony Pictures. "North Korea's actions were intended to inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves," the agency said in a statement released today. "Such acts of intimidation fall outside the bounds of acceptable state behavior."