
Newt Gingrich Is Winning, Depending on How You Look at It

Jim Newell · 07/13/11 11:48AM

Staffless, broke anachronism Newt Gingrich is still running for president, hoping in vain that his campaign can save face and survive until Labor Day. Is there any good news for Gingrich, for whom there hasn't been any in at least 16 miserable years? Yes! Many people follow him on Twitter.

Gingrich Had Second, $1 Million Line of Credit at Tiffany's

Max Read · 06/21/11 08:52PM

We all know that broke, friendless presidential candidate Newt Gingrich loves Tiffany & Co enough to have held a $250,000 - $500,000 credit account at the high-end jeweler. But did you know he loves the place so much he had a second, $500,000 - $1 million line of credit? And also he dyed his hair Tiffany blue?

Newt Gingrich's Top Finance Aides Quit over Lack of Finance

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 01:57PM

Newt Gingrich still had some presidential campaign staffers after 16 of his top aides quit en masse a couple of weeks ago. It only takes a few, right? Perhaps. But his top campaign finance advisers just quit too, so he really should end his campaign and take whatever few dollars remain to pay himself a PAC salary for a few months.

Newt Gingrich Doesn't Need Your Help, 'Traditional Consulting Community'

Jim Newell · 06/10/11 12:37PM

Newt Gingrich, outsider candidate for president, addressed reporters at his decidedly inside-the-Beltway home in McLean, Virginia this morning, regarding yesterday's hilarious mass quitting of 16 top staffers. No, he's not ending his campaign, you amoral leeches. In fact yesterday's implosion was quite liberating! Now he can run the brilliant, innovative campaign he's always wanted, freed from the calcified constraints of the "traditional consulting community."

How Did Newt Gingrich Get Such a Sweet Deal at Tiffany's?

Jim Newell · 05/25/11 12:21PM

Perhaps the opposition researchers who dumped that story about Newt Gingrich's $250,000-$500,000 "revolving charge account" at Tiffany & Co. only wanted people to make fun of his gilded lifestyle, but it also raises more concrete, scandalous questions. Namely: Why would Tiffany's give the Gingriches a no-interest credit account?

Why Fellow Republicans Are So Furious at Newt Gingrich

Jim Newell · 05/20/11 12:09PM

Newt Gingrich's trashing of Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare privatization plan on last Sunday's Meet the Press sparked a united Republican revolt against him, one much worse than anything the left is capable of doing to its own. All but four House Republicans had voted for Ryan's plan a matter of weeks ago, after all, and they're not keen on hearing internal dissent voiced in such places as Sunday morning's top political talk show, during the launch of a campaign.

Newt Gingrich's Spokesman Releases Greatest Statement Ever

Jim Newell · 05/18/11 02:53PM

Sure has been a shit week for Newt Gingrich! The presidential candidate, for whom we're coming dangerously close to feeling sympathy, has been attacked from the left for stupid racist murmurs, from the right for hurting Rep. Paul Ryan's fee-fees, and from some guy with a glitterbomb, just because. Also, his Tiffany's expenses are now public information. Tiffany's, shoppe of the silvered class? Well, his personal jewelry charge account isn't really pertinent, but laugh if it makes you other debt-enslaved psychopaths feel good.

Watch Newt Gingrich Get Showered with Glitter

Max Read · 05/17/11 08:13PM

Haven't you always dreamed of seeing Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich awash in in the twinkling light of party glitter? Now you can, thanks to gay activist Robert Erickson, who glitter-bombed Gingrich at a Minneapolis book signing on Tuesday night.