
A Candid Interview With America's 'Boner Rower': Uncooperative Penises Are 'A Recurring Problem With Rowers'

Taylor Berman · 08/07/12 04:42PM

Tough luck, Gabby Douglas, Henrik Rummel's penis is the new sweetheart of the 2012 Olympics. Rummel burst into internet fame over the last 48 hours since photos of his large-but-not-giant non-boner stole the spotlight from him and his three teammates during their medal ceremony Saturday afternoon. (Rummel's penis was not awarded a medal, even though it is a comparable size to most coxswain.)

Ask Former TARP Official Neil Barofsky How the Government Sold Out Citizens to Bail Out Wall Street

Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/12 12:45PM

Neil Barofsky was at the very center of the U.S. government's response to the 2008 economic collapse. He spent more than two years, until March of 2011, as Special Inspector General for the TARP program, overseeing and monitoring government bailout funds. Now, Barofsky has written a ferocious book detailing how, he says, "Washington abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street." And he's here to take questions from you, the Main Streeters.

Sarah Palin Is Lookin' Just Super

Drew Magary · 08/07/12 12:26PM

For a detailed analysis of Sarah Palin's Supergirl outfit you see here, I turn things over to our Gawker Fashion Correspondent, Fake Michael Kors. What say you, Queen Tangerine?

Greetings From the West Coast Editor

Cord Jefferson · 08/06/12 04:10PM

Ahoy, ahoy. My name is Cord Jefferson, and today is my first day at Gawker. You may have seen some of my work on the site before (and maybe on Jezebel and Gizmodo, too), but today I'm coming on full-time as your West Coast Editor. I live in Los Angeles, and thus will be the first California staffer since Seth Abramovitch left in January. I'm also the first staffer (on record) to watch hardcore pornography in Fred Willard's favorite Hollywood peep show. You can read my full bio here and see a rundown of some of my other work here.

A Day at The Tiki, The LA Porno House of Fred Willard's Alleged Lewd Conduct

Cord Jefferson · 07/27/12 11:05AM

I've ridden past the Tiki "Xymposium" hundreds of times on the 704 bus, which connects L.A.'s concrete-laden eastside to its breezy western coast via Santa Monica Boulevard. Every time I'd by chance glance over and see the theater, its fading, sunburned red sign getting shabbier all the time, I'd think that it looked like a good spot to drink oneself to death or to look for someone who owes you money.

Your Guide to the Derecho, the Storm That Might Destroy New York City Tonight

Max Read · 07/26/12 05:15PM

Do you like New York City? Or, really, anywhere between Ohio and Connecticut? Because, haha, it might not exist tomorrow. There's a "potential for a widespread damaging wind event/derecho" tonight — and risk of tornadoes around New York City. But what even is a "derecho"? And how can you protect yourself from it?

Six Dumb Arguments We're Hearing About the Aurora Shooting

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/25/12 09:20AM

The immediate aftermath of any American tragedy offers a heady potential for vile ideas. Details are scant, speculation is still wide open, motive is easily assigned—and in the rush to scoop other outlets, journalists don't have as much time to investigate claims, arguments or citations.

There Is No Such Thing as 'Politicizing' a Tragedy

Max Read · 07/20/12 05:25PM

It hasn't even been 24 hours since a gunman opened fire on a crowded movie theater in Colorado and you can already predict the entire, familiar scene: the days and days of arguments about gun control, about mental health treatment access, about violence in movies and television. And, of course, the angry accusations that one person or another is "politicizing tragedy," unquestionably the worst sin in post-tragedy rhetoric.

A Roundup of Gawker's Coverage of the Dark Knight Shooting

Emma Carmichael · 07/20/12 03:55PM

A shooter walked into a late-night showing of The Dark Knight Rises early Friday morning in Aurora, Colo., and opened fire. James Holmes, 24, killed 12 and wounded dozens more. Read our initial report here and catch up on the following stories on the Dark Knight shooting: