
Why Mitt's Money Matters

Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/24/12 01:00PM

People get hostile when you want to ask critical questions about someone's money. If it's a profile hailing an entrepreneur as a genius, then things are okay: we're only inquiring about the accumulation of an implicit good. When talk verges on criticism, people get itchy.

Please Don't Infect Me, I'm Sorry

Rich Juzwiak · 08/22/12 10:00AM

The first guy I ever turned down on Grindr for having HIV, my patient zero if you will, is all kinds of hot: hot in the face, hot in the body and hotheaded. In May, he asked me to come over and make out. We chatted a little bit more, he told me about his status and I slipped out of the conversation, just like that. Randomly in July, I noticed him at a movie theater: On Grindr and online, people lie with pictures all the time, choosing ones that distort their appearance in a captured second, but I was able to pick Miguel right out of a crowd. His picture is a symbol of habitual honesty, maybe, but also because he's so attractive, he has no reason to lie.

A Mighty Fortress Is Todd Akin's Vagina

Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/20/12 03:40PM

It's probably a little unfair to blast Todd Akin (R-Missouri) for his belief in uterine magic, since his entire worldview hinges on a poor Nazarene woman practicing that art over 2000 years ago. Then again, the Archangel Gabriel didn't deliver the Annunciation by sticking a flaming foot in his trumpet, so there's that.

The Dead Do Not Improve: An Author Cannibalizes His Own Novel

Jay Caspian Kang · 08/16/12 12:30PM

"How much of this book is about your own life?" All novelists, even those who write about horny Centaurs or plasma cannons, have to come up with a standard response to that prickly, earnest question. As someone who has been accused of navel-gazing on the Internet, who has written a few personal essays and now has published a novel in which the protagonist shares many of the same biographical details as the author, I have certainly come to expect it.

The Day My Parents (and I) Found Out My Boobs Were on the Internet

Anonymous · 08/15/12 03:55PM

We received an anonymous personal account this week from a woman who'd read about Reddit's "fusking" of private nude photographs that had been uploaded to PhotoBucket. The tipster had had a similar experience, only with a website we'd never heard of. (very NSFW), she wrote, had stolen nude photographs she'd never intended to be made public, and then—adding insult to a privacy breach she might never had known existed otherwise—linked to her Facebook profile so that her identity was matched to the embarrassment.

Chicago's Shootings Didn't Happen In a Movie Theater, But It's Still the World's Deadliest City

Cord Jefferson · 08/14/12 03:56PM

Two months before alleged killer James Holmes stormed a Colorado movie theater, murdering 12 and injuring dozens more, police and politicians in a different place were trying to squelch the tremors from their own mass killing. It was in Chicago, over Memorial Day weekend, when police responded to more than 40 shooting victims in about 72 hours. Ten of those victims were shot dead, including four teenage children. Alas, despite the fact that more people died that weekend than in both the August 5 Sikh killings and yesterday's College Station shootings combined, there will be no flags at half-staff for those 10 Chicagoans. It's likely you didn't even know those people were dead, just like most of your friends and family. In a summer of now three much-lamented shootings with multiple victims, Chicago's murdered are the forgotten ones.

How Paul Ryan Will Screw You

Max Read · 08/13/12 02:40PM

This past weekend, Mitt Romney named Republican congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, leading everyone to wonder: how will this asshole screw me, personally, if he is elected vice-president in November? Luckily for you, we have answers.

The Crossdressing Room

David Torrey Peters · 08/11/12 11:20AM

When I was six, my mother left a box of small garbage bags lying around. I found one, cut the bottom off, and used the cinch-tie at the top to make a small, crude dress. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. As my reflection stared back at me, a wave of well-being surged over me, sweeping away any real specifics of that moment. All that remained was a feeling of correctness, like finding just the right word to describe something: a reflection of myself as I knew myself to be, but had yet to see. I turned away from the mirror with a new sensation of beauty and lightness buoying my step. I descended the stairs to show my parents, who sat in the enclosed porch.

Odd Future Makes Good on Promise to 'Burn Shit'

Cord Jefferson · 08/10/12 02:25PM

Here is a video of a massive palm tree just burning like hell, and raining fire down on all the innocent Angelenos unfortunate enough to be below it. This happened on Fairfax Avenue earlier this month, when some kids at rap group Odd Future's T-shirt store shot a bottle rocket into it, igniting it and causing it to then burn the awning of the pizza joint next door. I called that pizza joint and asked what the deal was, and a man named Raul said Odd Future has already promised to pay for the damages. Good for them.

Nerd Island: Could Reddit Users Create a Real-Life Oasis?

Adrian Chen · 08/09/12 10:00AM

There are few places on Earth I could imagine wanting to spend time less than a remote island populated solely by hundreds of hardcore users of the social news site Reddit. So when I learned of the plan to create Reddit Island, a real-life nerd Shangri-La, I had to see how close my nightmare was to becoming a reality.